Monday, February 8, 2010

What do you take me for, a writer?

If you don’t know who you’re writing for, if you have no one to pander to and please (other than yourself) then it seems to me you’re just asking for a whole lot of self-indulgent and possibly even meaningful trouble. Writing for the sake of writing? What do you take me for, a writer?

And so it is that this idea of blogs and blogging and bloggers has always bothered me. It just all seems so infuriatingly democratic and irritatingly inclusive. All that education, effort and soul-selling us ‘professional’ writers go through to see our words published in print is essentially rendered redundant by this blogging business.

So I have, for many years now, boycotted and battled the very notion. Of course, there have been many who naively suggested that I try my hand at one of these blogs. It is my practice to shake my head solemnly and say, “I am a professional. And if one is not bound by the strictures and structures of a tangible publication, to word limits, demographics and an editing process, then one is essentially engaged in nothing more than word vomit.”

I have stuck strongly by my principals.

As is my practice, I am now sacrificing my principals. I am doing this for the sake of attention. In the past, this sacrificing of one’s principals to quell an insatiable appetite for the spotlight (real or imagined) has resulted in the most disastrous of consequences – all of which are wonderfully slapstick in the retelling but terribly traumatic in the experiencing (for more information please see my best-selling book ‘Fe-mail: The trials and tribulations of being a Good Egyptian Girl' available at all good book stores within a five mile radius of Zamalek). I am loath to think what the final result of this blog will be, but it seems the bloggers have officially won. They predicted the future of words back when I was still thought printed words had some sort of future, or value.

I was wrong and they were right. There is an entire generation who would rather hear the hum of a hard-drive than the satisfying silence of a book being broken in; who would rather feel the cold hard smoothness of a keyboard beneath their fingers as they comment flippantly with all the confidence of immediacy, than feel their way slowly around the rough edges of a complicated argument. (You see, a sentence like that I would never dare publish in print.)

Apparently I am of this generation and must succumb to their ways if I am to have any hope of holding their attention. So I shall blog, and it shall be good, or it shan’t be good, but it won’t matter, because this is a blog, and one is not bound by the strictures and structures of literary bechmarks. It, apparently, is my technology-given right to delight in my own drivel.

And so, I will talk about the places I go, the people I see, and of course, the things I FEEL. (As a blogger, you feelings are of tantamount importance to the residents of the (cyber)world). As is my now well documented habit I will also continue to share my thoughts on the traditions and titillations we must all navigate as Egyptians and Arabs, and of course on the hypocrisy-fuelled dazzling dramas on which Egyptian high society is built. To be honest, I will do this mainly in the hopes of garnering the attention of the international media who - for this spectacular though inevitably brief moment in time - care about what us Arab women are thinking and FEELING. This, as we all know, is some sort of absurd delayed response to 9/11.

I will write poetry.

No, of course I won't do that. One must have some self-respect, even when blogging.

In essence, this, like many a blog, will be nothing more than a steady self-indulgent stream of consciousness, with no rhyme nor reason other than to exercise an imagined way with words. Of course, many would suggest that’s exactly what I’ve been doing in print for years…


  1. Dear Amy,

    Congratulations.. for breaking the boundaries of your own self and succeeding to Blog such an interesting and attractive piece that gets one to think, yet I'm still of the generation who loves the silence of a book and the feeling of paper in my hand. And I have tried to blog and failed miserably. For I do seek the attention as well however I'm starting a very very different way and path.

    Best of luck , I'm sure you will do great.

    And thank you for sharing this blog

    Best regards,

    Tarek Refaat

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! It's not about print or the clicking away on your keyboard...

    it's just an entirely different world, and community, it's like a family really!

    Not to mention the liberty..

  3. Amy,

    Welcome to the Blog-o-sphere, inshallah you are going to break it, and conquer it, with your wit and talent.

    From here on forth i am a follower of your blog, i even clicked on the RSS so i get all your updates.

    FYI most bloggers have hidden identities, and hidden blogs too :) its a world of secrets, so what would make yours special is that IT IS NOT HIDDEN, .. is that you are brave and your out there

    Love you as always,


  5. Amy,

    Think of it as a diversion of your mediums, more accessibility,

    This is exciting for me as follower of your articles on monthly bases in Enigma, i can now do it online, at what i hope is a more frequent than the monthly basis, because i am addicted to you

    Congrats :)

  6. ya setty, i wrote a blog about being an arab woman for years and years, and no one offered to give me a book deal. fa naffadt. besides, eventually you tire of your own vanity, i think. and also there are a large number of violent nutters on the interweb. i've met loads of interesting people through blogging, but i wonder if i got anything more out of it than that.

  7. Good Egyptian Girl (GEG),

    Can you turn on the RSS feature on your blog, this way it would make it easier for us to follow, when ever you update our RSS reader whether on mobile, or on mail clients would automatically download your update. i.e. we get notified with your updates.

    The steps to do so

    1. login to your dashboard
    2. click on layout
    3. then click on add gadget
    4. then add click on add feed.

    and done :)

  8. Will do that right away, thanks for the tip! I'm a dumbass when it comes to this stuff!

  9. Cant wait to read all u have to write!!!
    Always intersting ya Amy
    Luv u and luv ur blog already!


  10. For the past 5 years, I have been forced to read so many styles of writing (for both Ego & Alter Ego). Most of which, I am not a huge fan of... If I didn't know how expensive your literary services are, I would be the first to stand in line. There is nothing more deep than 'cynical fluff'...and there is no one who sells it better than you.

    As to your new blog, may god protect you from the evil eye.. In egypt, it is far more effective than anywhere else in the world. Can't wait to read each and everyone of them...

    FYI, your ego is NOT fragile like you say.Otherwise you would not do half the things you do...


  11. hi amy
    its tousa
    congrats on ur blog
    i didnt know writers were against blogging
    it is a liberating way to express your self
    why do you say that you won't write poetry because you have more self respect?
    and why do you say even when blogging?
    paulo coehlo blogs
    i love reading your enigma articles
    good luck

  12. Hey Tousa!

    Paulo Coelho blogs!?? Oh no! ;) ;)

    Seriously though…

    Of course I wouldn’t (and didn’t) say all writers are against blogging, and it wasn’t so much that I was against it per se (bearing in mind that all my words ought to be taken with a pinch of salt and in the self-deprecating spirit with which they are intended) but I think I was threatened by the medium. The floodgates have been opened, and everyone and anyone can publicise their thoughts and feelings – an endless tirade of unfiltered words - in the biggest public forum ever known to man. So you’re left feeling a little fragile, a little defensive perhaps. What’s so special about you if everyone’s doing it? Or indeed, and more specifically, why go to all the excruciating effort it takes to put together an article for print, when readers are equally willing to plug into the ponderings of the unmediated madding crowds. As an artist Toussa, I’m sure you understand that sickening and constant need for validation that I have. ;)

    (Side note: Re: ‘validation’ - thank you Peter! ;))

    Look Tousa, it is / was an arrogant standpoint I know, and as arrogance can often be born of insecurity, it was becoming clear I had a problem. So I finally decided to take the plunge into the blogosphere, facing what I feared head-on and simply participating. (Bloody hell, you see how dangerous this blogging things is?! ‘Facing my fears’?! Really!?)

    And then there was this whole Eureka moment over konafa the other evening, when I was discussing this very issue with a much older (ironically) and wiser family friend. He reminded me there were once those that were similarly threatened by the power of the printing press, fighting fervently against the dissemination of printed materials. His point was patently clear and I finally started to see the error of my ways. (Well theoretically at least, my heart’s not quite in it yet, but I’m counting on it to catch up with my head any day now).

    That same night I also picked up a copy of the book ‘Googled’ at Diwan. With this issue of to-blog or not-to blog fresh in my mind, I was drawn to the book’s sub which read ‘The End of the World As We Know It.’ 20 pages in and I was hyperventilating.

    Whether I like it or not, this strange new world is the future, and I’d hate to be the dumbass who refused to be a part of it.

    Plus, as you said, all the ‘real’ writers are doing it, so who the hell do I think I am?! ;) ;)

    Now, as for your ‘poetry / self-respect’ question – I’d ask you to please reach for the salt ;);)

  13. ehheheheh thank u for the long answer
    i get what you mean now
    i really do

    you know i have a blog too?
    i want to post my art on it too
    it is really a new world

    i love the whole process, although unedited and not so proper, the immediate responses and the idea that you can reach so may people is amazing.
    and i was just shocked to know you were against blogging but there you are blogging yourself :) i am sure you are going to love it

    the published word will always be above all our blogging efforts,
    and you should see Paulo Coehlo's blog it will make you feel right again, that you are not selling out.
    its a powerful tool
    i will try to use the salt next time
    although i think poetry is no way a way of losing self respect
    you could even blog about your bridal feelings and all the stress or joy that brings and then it could be published and edited
    or you could find that blogging is such a fast tool that you love it
    you could get addicted too
    i know you will love it
    love :)

  14. Hey Menna,

    Thanks habibti, I'm already loving it! So much so that I am having to stop myself from constantly updating the blog with the random and inane details of every minute of my life....Like you say, this really is so much fun! I have seen the light! And the bridal thing, I was totally considering that bardo, although I may have a bit of trouble drumming up the enthusiasim necessary... it's all just seeming super stressful at the moment! ;)

  15. i know exactly what you mean
    isa it will all be great

    remember to have fun
    cuz it passes like a second in the end


  16. American cousin: break boundaries and enjoy the ride.

  17. Glad you decided to blog, and wish you best of luck in the blogosphere. Welcome aboard Amy.

  18. Wow! Didn't know that there r ppl who r against blogging/bloggers!
    that's interesting =)
